Over the last few months our RSK funding proposal has progressed through several shortlisting stages of the Myanmar HARP- F grant application procedure.
HARP- F, the Humanitarian Assistance and Resilience Program Facility, is a component of DFID and although our application was not successful they are considering funding us for a smaller scale pilot.
our application proposal
Was for an RSK shelter pilot of 600 shelters with our existing partners providing the WASH facilities.
In addition we proposed that there would be RSK 4 unit classrooms or receptions and RSK washrooms as needed. The program was flexible enough to provide up to 400 of the special double RSKs that can be erected on asphalt or concrete in the event of an urban eathquake.
Provision was also made for RSK covered cooking areas and smaller reciprocal frames for lifting possessions off the ground if shelters suffered water inundation.
The proposal is strong on localisation, disaster preparedness and VFM, presenting radically different engagement with affected populations than the typical type of approach by looking at local materials and skills.
The proposal is not only thoughtful but seeks to continue learning and adaptation from this pilot.
Logframe and workplan is fine.
It seems that this work would be particularly useful for remote communities either affected by localised conflict or natural disasters – such as in Kachin, NSS and SE.
HARP-F overall comments and feedback: