RSK Shelter Project wins "After The Damages International Award 2021"
It is a great honour for us working on the RSK project to receive this Award, especially from such an prestigious and insightful academy. The award encompasses such complex topics as emergency prevention, disaster response and management but has, in this project, recognised a concept that is inherently simple.
News of the award has been well received by our RSK Shelter Project volunteers in Nepal and we are all greatly appreciative of this support and recognition from our Italian colleagues.
For further details of this award
please see the following:
Shaun Halbert Director of the RSK shelter Charity receiving the award
In 2015 we entered the RSK shelter into the AidEx Aid Innovation Challenge. This is held each year at the Aidex Conference at the Brussels Expo Centre.
It was our opportunity, along with 3 other finalists, to pitch the RSK shelters, with the assistance of dowel models, to a panel of judges.
We were very honoured and pleased to win the award. The grant enabled us to continue our RSK training courses in Myanmar for two further years. Importantly, the award fully introduced us to AidEx itself, a leading platform for the international aid and development community to come together and improve the efficiency of aid.
Each year over 2,500 representatives of the humanitarian aid and development community from over 65 countries attend an AidEx event. Attendees come from UN Agencies, the EU, Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, local and international NGOs, government and the private sector.
This award has given us an invaluable opportunity to work with many of these attendees in further developing and delivering the RSK shelter where it is most needed.
AidEx award and RSK shelter models